Once upon a time in a beautiful country called Santa Monica, there was a little family. The second world war had started and the daddy had to leave when the mother was 7 months
pregnant. Before he left, they talked about what to name their baby. One day the mommy was listening to a bible study on the radio when she heard the pretty name: Deborah, and she thought, I think I will name this baby Deborah when she is born.
With her husband away, the mother stayed at her
in law's home. Neither of them drove. On September 2, 1944, the Grandmother called to check in on her
pregnant daughter. It was the grandmothers birthday! The baby was not expected for 2 more weeks, but the Grandmother instructed the mother to call them at any time if they were needed to drive her to the hospital. Grandmother did not drive, but, brother Russel did. The mother assured them that she would not need them that night.
Sleep was sound until the mother had to get up to use the bathroom. When she returned to bed she realized that her water had broken. The contractions started soon after and she progressed quickly. By the time Russel got her to the hospital, the baby was crowning!
So it happened that the little family was blessed with their second beautiful baby girl. They named her Deborah. Deborah Cornelia
Carruthers. On her grandmothers birthday! Healthy and Happy! They called her Debbie. The mother wrote a letter to tell the father that a healthy baby girl had joined their family. It took a month for the letter to arrive. The older sister Judith was only 11 months old! Two babies!
The mothers name was Corneila, but they called her Penny...and then Nana. Nana described her Debbie as a placid, sweet little girl that was easy to be around. She can still picture her at a school festival dancing around in an organdy dress. Unaware that anyone was watching and throughly enjoying herself.
She took ballet - the Tutu series. Fell off a trike and had to get stitches in her face. Nana couldn't stand to watch and Debbie was so brave and did it all by herself at only about 15 months old. She may have tried ant posion at a neighbors house so they took her to the hospital to have her stomach pumped. She liked to play with her ear when she was trying to go to sleep!
One day she was all grown up, beautiful and a senior in high school. There was an assembly and Nana had come to the school. They started calling up different girls with outstanding qualities. These girls made up the royal court. The very last girl called would be the Cotton Queen. Deborah was the last one called!
Next she married Greg LeRoy Allen. Did some junior college. Had some healthy baby boys...only 12 months apart! Two babies! And became the wife and mother that we all love.
Many years later they added Amy and Jonathan to the family. Four lovely kids and some awesome parents.
Happy Birthday Mom! 66 Years Young!

4 Generations: Nana, Debbie, Amy and Sydney

Her first Son Greg LeRoy Allen Jr. with his 4th son Connor.
Her first son in law Troy Patrick Anderson with his 1st son Ethan Paul.

Her 2nd son Aaron Scott Allen with Sydney.
Aaron describes his mom as "Kind, Gentle, Sweet, Loving, and Compassionate. She always gave me lots of attention when I was hurt." He was always proud of his mom because she was so young and pretty. When she would come to school the other kids were jealous. Aaron also said that she is a very graceful water skier!

Her 4th son Jonathan Thomas Allen with Sydney.

The Island Grandkids: Connor Allen, Sydney Anderson, Morgan Allen, Ember Anderson, Griffin Allen, Ethan Anderson, Drake Allen, Zack the granddog

A whole mix of Trouble: Ethan Anderson, Noah Allen, Ember Anderson, Logan Serene, Sydney Anderson, Anna Allen, Alana Calandra
Owen Allen, Sophie Anderson, Luke Allen, Sage Allen and Tanner Allen

The Maui Bunch: Sophie, Ember, Ethan, Sydney, Grammy and Captain!

Jonathan and Josie's Bunch of Boy's: Oliver, Owen, Noah and Tanner.
and the Anderson Bunch with Nana and Uncle Ben and Grammy.

My mom has always been there for me and my family. She is especially wonderful when I have a baby. She does such a great job stepping into our world and routines. She cooks really good food, keeps the house really clean and plays with the kids. Maybe when I am a grandma I will be as good as she is.
She is always excited to do any crazy adventure that we devise when she is visiting. I have seen her hike, bike, snorkle, swim, sew, scuba dive, water ski, camp and horseback ride. She is always pleasant, insists that my couch is very comfortable and cleans up messes before I can say thank you for cleaning up the prior mess!

Captain, Grammy and Sophie! The 14th grandchild out of 15!

We love you lots Mom. Have a great day and we look forward to many more adventures!