Sunday, April 26, 2009

Pumpkin Soup and Kids

I had a good day, better than good, but nice and fullfilling. I thought of Mrma Ramtotse as I roasted a pumpkin, and then that pumpkin turned into pumpkin-coconut soup, pumpkin pie and pumpkin custard. As I was in the kitchen I was watching Sophie out the kitchen window. She was on the deck, picking up the big Norfolk pine needles and dropping them through the cracks in the deck. When she ran out of needles she climbed up onto the picnic table where a pink bike helmet had been abandoned. She worked on getting that on her head the right way and then went out to find her dad and show him the new style. It was fun watching her be so independent, busy and productive.

We went on a walk tonight and Ember and Sophie both pushed their babies in their little strollers. Sophie drifted between pushing the stroller, holding Zack's leash and pushing Ember's stroller. Ember was collecting everything, flowers, a golf ball, some succulents that were in a driveway, sticks and smiles. On the way back Sophie was tired so we put her in Embers stroller and then put both of the dolls on her lap. Ember pushed them all and it was so cute! Why don't I have a holster for my camera?

Ethan and Sydney were rollerblading the walk and on the way home, a neighborhood boy joined us on his scooter and returned home with the kids. This was only after the boys demonstrated their skill at wrecking, going off the side of a driveway into a dirt pile. When we got home the boys were up in a tree chasing a lizard, the lizard escaped and the boys turned to basketball-wrestling, I think it is a new up and coming sport.

Ember enjoyed her new hobby of searching and collecting rollie-pollie bugs while the boys played. Sydney learned to make a wallet out of duct tape with a neighbor and Sophie, ran around the crazy boys thinking that she was part of the action.

Troy and I sat on the grass eating warm soup over rice and enjoying the action.

Babies, little girls and their brothers, grow up too fast. It is like a good pumpkin-coconut soup, you have to savor every bite...every moment.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Biggest Fish

Well, what can I say? Troy has had another birthday. I know it happens every year, but birthdays are fun and Troy deserves to be spotlighted at the beginning of his 37th year! Yes, 37. One wife. Four kids. One dog. One cat. One business. One life. One love. One Jah...Feel the rhythm?

I am so grateful for this guy. He is the helm on our little ship. He fills the sails with his strength and knots us together with his love. Looking forward to many more candle filled cakes! Love you Troy!