Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Biggest Fish

Well, what can I say? Troy has had another birthday. I know it happens every year, but birthdays are fun and Troy deserves to be spotlighted at the beginning of his 37th year! Yes, 37. One wife. Four kids. One dog. One cat. One business. One life. One love. One Jah...Feel the rhythm?

I am so grateful for this guy. He is the helm on our little ship. He fills the sails with his strength and knots us together with his love. Looking forward to many more candle filled cakes! Love you Troy!


  1. Yeah, Troy rocks!! Happy Birthday, again, love your hanai ohana the Akinaka's...

  2. Happy birthday big guy! I sure miss your humor. That fish is awesome!!

  3. love the pics - and that fish is as big as Troy, literally!
