Thursday, April 24, 2014

Scripture Scavenger Hunt

This was my last Mutual activity.  I made 3 different routes / searches and divided the kids into 3 teams.

1.  Bishop  D&C 68:14
2.  Baptism  Matthew 3:16
3.  Food  Genesis 6:21
4.  Gate  Isa. 26:2
5.  Glass  1 Cor. 13:12
6.  Grass  D&C 124:7
7.  Light  D&C  6:21
8.  Maintain 1Chr.  26:27  (Cleaning closet)
9.  Mother  Prov. 23:22
10.  Assignment Card

1.  Tree  3 Nephi 4:28
2.  Tithes  Alma 13:15
3.  Tent  Mosiah 2:5-6
4.  Street  Alma 26:29
5.  Curtain  Isa. 54:2
6.  Bible  2 Nephi 29:3
7.  Geneology  1 Nephi 6:1 (family history room)
8.  Quench  1 Nephi  17:29  (drinking fountain)
9.  Clean Hands  2 Nephi 25:16  (Soap dispenser)
10.  Assignment Card

1.  Light  Gen. 1:3
2.  Nursery  Psalm 8
3.  Sacrament  D&C 20:46
4.  Doorpost  Deut. 11:20
5.  Hour  John 12:27
6.  Plain Garments  D&C 42:40  (baptismal clothes)
7.  Choir  2 Chr. 29:28
8.  Music and Dancing  Luke 15:25  (stage)
9.  Nursing  Isa 49:23  (mothers lounge)
10.  Assignment Card

The first card gets handed right to the groups.  The last card had an assignment to share one attribute about each person in their group that they admired.  They had to complete this with an adult leader.  Then we handed out popsicles for a treat.

The kids did this really quickly.  Hide them harder or do more if you need a longer activity.  We did a mothers day song practice to fill in the time.