I love pumpkins, pumpkin bread, pumpkin pie, pumpkin carving, pumpkin candles, pumpkin sugar cookies with orange frosting...it is just the time of year for pumpkins!
We went to our first pumpkin patch on Maui this year and had a marvelous time. We got to pull a pumpkin right off the vine and that was a first for all of us! My dad was here visiting for the weekend because Ethan is now 8 and was baptized on Saturday! So Captain was able to go to the pumpkin patch with us. The kids really love having him around.
Troy and I ran the Xterra 10K on Saturday morning and that was awesome! Troy finished in 1 hr 2 minutes and I finished in 1 hr 7 minutes...the exact same time that I finished in 2005-wierd! It is a great off road course with lots of uphill (1/2 of the course) and rocky downhills, logs, trees, and sand...deep beach sand and lots of it. It was a great challenge, very satisfying to finish and the endorphins lasted a long time.
While we ran Sydney and Captain Grandpa snorkled and saw 7 turtles and an eel. Ethan boogy boarded, Ember danced on the shore, and Sophie played with our babysitter Tani in the sand. All in all it was a lovely morning.
So happy fall, happy halloween, happy pumpkin carving and squishie orange hugs to all of you!